Our weekly timetable consists of a variety of activities to suit all abilities, and tastes.
Our sports are delivered across a number of days so every member gets a chance to participate in at least one sporting activity. We hold an annual charity boxing event, take part in different football competitions and enter charity running events. Additional training is added into our timetable when necessary.
Our educational courses vary and are chosen by the group.
In addition to our regular activities the group take part in social responsibility activities in the local community. We regularly take part in litter picking in the local area, beach clean ups and information leaflet drops. We have worked with the NHS to produce information leaflets to help raise awareness of the issues faced by disabled people when visiting a GP or hospital appointments. Once a month we have an off timetable day “Mad Mondays”. These are normally themed days and the group dress up, play games, sing and dance and have a lot of fun!
We take part in charity fundraising events and raise our own funds to help local charities and causes. We have successfully taken part in the Macmillan Big coffee morning.
Our timetable changes regularly and activities are planned in blocks of six weeks.
To download our timetable please click HERE